Inventory: AC 467 Centrale Montemartini
Crepereia Tryphaena was a young woman, about 20 years old, whose sarcophagus was found during the excavation works over the Tiber in Rome.
The intact skeleton of a woman was still adorned with several jewels and a crown of myrtle leaves held by a barrette made with small silver flowers. At the time of her burial, Crepereia wore gold and pearl pendant earrings, and a gold necklace with pendants formed by small emeralds. Her tunica was held by a gold brooch adorned with an engraved amethyst.[Wiki]
The woman lived in the early 3rd century, at the time of Septimius Severus and Caracalla. “She was not a noble woman by birth; her Greek surname, Tryphaena, proves that she belonged to a family of freedman”.

A gold brooch with an engraved amethyst bezel probably held the tunic of which fragments were found in the sarcophagus. The three rings, surprisingly small in size, had been inserted into the upper phalanges of the ring and little fingers of the left hand; of particular interest is the one with a carnelian bezel in which two hands are represented holding a bunch of ears, identified in nineteenth-century literature with the wedding ring, and the other with the name Filetus obtained from the cameo. In addition to the jewels, a series of miniature objects were placed next to the deceased, commonly referred to as toys, but whose exact nature and meaning it is difficult to say for now. https://www.cortedicassazione.it

BROOCH – Greek workmanship, fight of a griffin with a deer
A Romance of Old Rome, by Rodolfo Lanciani https://www.jstor.org

- A. Bedini (a cura di), Mistero di una Fanciulla. Ori e gioielli della Roma di Marco Aurelio da una nuova scoperta archeologica. Skira 1995 https://www.academia.edu
- A Romance of Old Rome, by Rodolfo Lanciani https://www.jstor.org
- https://xlegion.site/it/daemones/archaeologia/tombe-e-sarcofagi/668-sarcofagi-di-crepereia-tryphaena-e-crepereius-euhodus.html