Ring with a ruby, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China; 2nd-4th C [d/b]China, DATA BASE, GANDHARA, ring db, SILK ROAD
Majiayuan cemetery, Gansu, China – various ornaments and jewelry. The Warring States PeriodChina, DATA BASE, STEPPE PEOPLES
M16 tomb, Majiayuan cemetery, Gansu Province, China, 4th-3rd century BCE [wide bracelet]bracelets db, China, DATA BASE, STEPPE PEOPLES
Exhibition: Qinghai Path: Silk Road in the 6th-8th CenturiesBelt / buckle / plaques, China, COMPILATIONS / galleries, JEWELRY db, SILK ROAD
Pectoral, Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 CE) [d/b]China, DATA BASE, JEWELRY db, Mongolia, pectoral db, SILK ROAD, STEPPE PEOPLES
Gilded bronze plaque for the Si Lingxi Queen Mother of the Eastern Han Dynasty, 2nd CChina, DATA BASE, female deities, SILK ROAD
Belt buckles with DragonsBelt / buckle / plaques, China, COMPILATIONS / galleries, Korea, Mongolia, SILK ROAD
Glass inlaid plaques from the Nanyue King burial. Western Han Dynasty, 202 BCE – 8 CEChina, SILK ROAD, STEPPE PEOPLES
Jewelry from a burial at Majiayuan [Tomb M18], Gansu, China. The Warring States Period (480 – 221 BCE)China, FEMALE BURIAL, SILK ROAD