Gold necklace with carnelian cameo, Kerch, 1st century [d/b]BLACK SEA region db, DATA BASE, torque / torc db
Kichiginsky burial mounds. Female burial, 4th century BCEDATA BASE, FEMALE BURIAL, priestess, SARMATIAN, torque / torc db
Uzbekistan, an ossuary, seating man with a torc / pectoral [d/b]DATA BASE, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, torque / torc db, Uzbekistan
Gold necklace /torque from Dubăsari, Republic of Moldova [d/b]BLACK SEA REGION, DATA BASE, JEWELRY db, Moldova, necklace db, STEPPE PEOPLES, torque / torc db
Necklaces from Achterberg, 4th C, NetherlandsDATA BASE, JEWELRY db, necklace db, pectoral db, torque / torc db
necklace / torque with sardonyx intaglio, 3rd-4th C [d/b]DATA BASE, JEWELRY db, necklace db, torque / torc db
Egyptian official in a Persian costume – notesCOSTUMES, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, MESOPOTAMIA, pectoral db, torque / torc db
Sarmatian necklacesBLACK SEA REGION, COMPILATIONS / galleries, PARTHIAN, SARMATIAN, SILK ROAD, torque / torc db, UKRAINE
Necklace with cameo from Tillya Tepe and its comparanda from the Black Sea regionDATA BASE, necklace db, STEPPE PEOPLES, torque / torc db
The Dalverzin Tepe, Kushan treasure 1st-4th centuryBelt / buckle / plaques, GANDHARA, HATRA, necklace db, PARTHIAN, torque / torc db, Uzbekistan