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Palmyra deities – overview

photo by Owen Cook

Limestone bas-relief dedicated by Ba’alay to Bel, Baalshamin, Yarhibol, and Aglibol. Limestone, dated January 121 CE., from Palmyra. Museum of Fine Arts, Lyon

Bel – seated on the right, with a griffin

Baalshamin – seated on the left, with a bull

Aglibol, the Moon-God – solar nimbus and a crescent

Yarhibol, the Sun-god – solar nimbus

© 1997 RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Hervé Lewandowski

Palmyra’s divine triad: Baalshamin, with the Moon-god Aglibol on his right and the Sun-god Yarhibol at left, discovered at Bir Wereb near Palmyra; 1st century (Louvre, Paris AO 19801)

Photo source

Yarhibol, the Sun-god, 2nd century, Palmyra Museum 

Photo by Philippe Maillard / akg-images
Photo taken ca 1923
Mission archéologique française à Palmyre

Bas relief of Hercules and three Palmyrenian deities, found in the well under the peristyle of the temple of Bel (Palmyra Syria), 1st century
Damascus, National Museum, Inv. No. 4242
In: Gawlikowski M. Gods and temples of Palmyra

Bas relief with gods (Bel, Yarhibol, and Aglibol, with god Arsu), from the temple of Bel, Palmyra; Palmyra Museum
In: Hvidberg-Hansen, Arsu and Azizu

Other side of the altar with a winged Victory crowning a divinity on a chariot drawn by winged griffins, Palmyra inscription below, temple of Bel (Palmyra, Syria)
ca 1923
Monumental bas reliefs, Aglibol, sanctuary of Bel in Palmyra (Syria)
Monumental bas-reliefs, fragment of a military god, sanctuary of Bel in Palmyra (Syria)
Bas-relief with military god (Palmyra, Syria)
ca 1923
Bas-relief with sacrifice to Athena-Allat, temple of Bel (Palmyra, Syria)
ca 1923
Bas-relief with a radiant-headed god, holding a globe, temple of Bel (Palmyra, Syria)
ca 1923
Bas-relief mutilated in the upper part (Athena with the shield), temple of Bel (Palmyra, Syria)
ca 1923
Block with bas relief, deity in weapon and sacrifice, Palmyrene inscription on the plinth, Inv XII, 55, relief of Palmyrene
ca 1923
Block with decoration of winged geniuses and fruits, temple of Bel (Palmyra Syria)
ca 1923
Block with armed god in bas-relief, Palmyrenian inscription on the plinth, temple of Bel (Palmyra, Syria)
ca 1923
Ex-voto with three three deities in busts (divinities?) Baalshamin temple (Palmyra, Syria) ca 1923

Ex-voto with three griffins, temple of Baalshamin (Palmyra, Syria) ca 1923
Fragment of bas-relief with armed figure, temple of Bel (Palmyra, Syria)
ca 1923

Beam A face 2 (middle), temple of Bel (Palmyra, Syria)

Decorated beam, Anglupede and military deities, temple of Bel (Palmyra, Syria)
ca 1923
Beam of the temple of Bel, bas-relief with Anguipede and rider, sanctuary of Bel in Palmyra (Syria)
Altar relief with the god Malakbel on a chariot pulled by two griffins and the donor Malku who presents him with a victory wreath | Image index of art & architecture - Image index of art & architecture - Homepage Image indexAltar relief with the god Malakbel on a chariot pulled by two griffins and the donor Malku who presented him with a victory wreath