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The Demeter crypt in Kerch

“The Demeter crypt in Kerch is one of the few painted antique crypts discovered in the 19th – early 20th century in the North Black Sea region, which have survived till nowadays. Unfortunately, unique frescos that decorate the funeral construction were severely damaged in the 20th century. Thus, documents of various types of fixation (watercolours, drawings, photographs) made at the time of the crypt’s discovery and later at different stages of its study, should be considered as an extremely important source for comprehensive analysis of fresco images of the Demeter crypt. The main complex of documents is kept at the Archives of the Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences. Some of the documents still remain unpublished. Thus, it is very important to make their complete description and introduce them to scholarly circulation taking their special informative value into consideration. It is especially significant because of their centenary age and also because of partial loss of the murals in the Demeter crypt. Systematization and analysis of documents have made it possible to find out the dates of their creation, to define more precisely the names of the artists – illustrators and camera-men, to trace the destiny of watercolours, drawings and photos of the murals.”
Decorative Painting of the Demetra Crypt at Kerch as an Object of Documentary Fixation. The Destiny of Watercolours, Drawings and Photographs Medvedeva Maria V.

Успенский Лев Васильевич, Шнейдер Ксения Николаевна
За семью печатями (очерки по археологии)