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Ornaments, patterns – floral motif in Ancient art

Marble panel of an offering table from Pergamon. We can see here poppy capsule, pomegranate fruit, grapes, pine cone and acorns, everything related to fertility but also to the afterlife.
In the left lower part of the panel there is a figure of goddess (Cybele?) riding a lion.
Hellenistic, first half of the 2nd century BCE.
In the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul, cat. no. 3571.
© Dick Osseman

The image no 1 – the Silphium engraved on a silver Greek didrachma. The plant has a habit typical for umbellates, such as dill (source). See also Ferula
Silphium, ancient plant from Libia (Cyrene) is now extinct
Images 2 and 3 – silver coins from Cyrenaica with a heart-shaped seed of the Silphium plant:
– A silver drachm 510–470 BCE found in the excavation of the Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene (picture source)
– A silver tetradrachm, 6th century BCE; Expedition magazine Vol. 34, Nos. 1-2, 1992 “Part I: The Coins from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone” by T. V. Buttrey pp. 1-66
Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej R. 63, Nr 1 (2015), Silphium z Cyrene. Skarb antycznej medycyny Krystian Łuczak