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Palmyra, sarcophagus, a woman (Astarte?) with a camel; 3rd C [d/b]

Photo: “Palmyra Museum, relief of a caravan” source

Woman leading a camel. Shorter side of a sarcophagus from Palmyra Museum’ garden.
Picture source

“The imagery on the left side of the relief intimated wealth and social status, whereas the depiction of Astarte and a camel on the right side demonstrated that he was under the protection of one of the most important caravan-goddesses, and thus expresses his loyalty to his local gods (Schmidt-Colinet and al-Asaad, “Zwei Neufunde Palmyrenischer Sarkophage,” p. 275-276).”

Two new finds from Palmyrenian sarcophagi, Andreas Schmidt-Colinet academia

Palmyra Museum, inventory number: 2677B/8983; 3rd C CE
“According to iconographic parallels, it is the goddess Astarte, who, as protector of the caravan, is shown here introducing the camel that belonged to the burial-god of Palmyran religion.”;aggregationId=&albumid=&filter=7&ff=23384088

Garden of Palmyra Archeological Museum, 2010-04-21.jpg,_2010-04-21.jpg

Short side, opposite to the woman with a camel and more detailed pictures >>