UPDATE [January 6th 2023]
I am very happy to learn that the camel relief I saw on the cover of the book [see below] and which I remember because of the decorative details of the camel’s harness, represents a scene of transporting Buddha’s relics, and is dated to the 2nd-4th century. It is a part of a collection of the Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum.
Relief sculpture on the theme of Buddha’s biography. It shows the scene of the eight kings carrying the relics back to the country after dividing the relics of Buddha. The central part shows a Bactrian camel carrying a treasure chest, and on the left is a prince whistling. [http://www.cnarts.net]

Special Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Exhibit, Shaanxi History Museum, Xi’an.

Relief in Gandhara style with depiction of a Bactrian camel. Photo from a cover of “Prominent Archaeological Sites of Central Asia on the Great Silk Road”. Described: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Prominent Archaeological Sites of Central Asia on the Great Silk Road
ISBN: 978-9943-357-20-4;
Era: К.Baipakov, D.Voyakin, B.Amanbayeva, V.Kolchenko, A.Sulaymanova, Y.Yakubov, R.Mukimov, T.Khodjaniyazov, A.Kurbanov, A.Gritsina