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The Stavropol (Kazinsky) Hoard, 4th-2nd C BCE

The Stavropol (Kazinsky) Hoard was found by a chance in 1910. 16 kg of gold, Sarmatian grave, Scythian jewelry

Gold torc (torque / grivna) is dated to the 4th century BCE. []

The necklace is made of six identical parts, and it’s hollow. Each of the six parts was separately cast and then soldered. A smaller diameter tube was soldered to the shorter part on both sides. This allows, together with the chain, a solid fastening of the necklace.

Torc, 4th century BCE
The Stavropol (Kazinsky) Hoard. Kazinskoye village, Stavropol province, Russian Empire. Chance finds

“This torc, the largest in the Stavropol Hoard, weighs over 2.5 kilos. The open ends of the ring are flattened and have one-sided sculptural zoomorphic decoration. The imagery is highly stylized and difficult to interpret due to a complete lack of iconographic analogies. The design presumably represents the head of a herbivore, probably a deer, on which one can clearly make out the mouth, the lips and a triangular eye. At the same time, some details of the depiction should apparently be understood as a bridle.” 


  • Е.Ф. Королькова (Чежина)
    О возможности атрибуции Ставропольского (Казинского) клада.
    АСГЭ. Вып. 32. СПб: 1995. С. 77-89. [link]
  • Казинский клад – 1910 год (pictures) [link]
  • Pictures [link]