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breastfeeding women

2nd century. Fitzwilliam Museum [read more]

Damascus Museum [read more]

3rd century [?]. Auction [read more]
2nd century. National Museum in Prague [read more]
2nd century
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photo by Michel & Carole ALCAMO
tomb of Bolbarak, mid. 2nd C
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Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie 1011702_original.jpg

Shalamallat tomb, 2nd-3rd C
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Dorothy Mackay The Jewellery of Palmyra and Its Significance

200-273 CE [read more]

Photo © Lill-Ann Chepstow-Lusty

Mezabatha with a child, Palmyra, 240-250 CE
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Habba with a child, 3rd C
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© Photo: Ilya Shurygin
2nd-3rd century [read more]

2nd C

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2nd century

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Aqua, and her daughter Alam, 137 CE

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photo from IFAPO archives
Jean-Baptiste Yon

Berretâ and her daughter Martâ, from the hypogeum of Artaban, 100-130 CE [read more]

Relief of Amataḥâ, 3rd C
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Photo: Dr Katherine Blouin

Batmalku and her son Hairan, 3rd century
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Shalmat and Akakmat (sisters)
200-225 CE [read more]

a woman, and a girl with a Horus lock; 2nd C [read more]

Woman with a child (brother?) 2nd century [read more]

Hatra-type headdress

Funerary relief of a woman and two children, c. 150 CE.
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum
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Scars or the transparent garment

mother and daughter, 2nd C [read more]

Photo by Osama S. M. Amin

Salmat and her daughter Hagge, 200-273 CE [read more]

photo Tahnee Cracchiola © Getty

Salmat and her mother Akta, 230-250 CE
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