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Parthians in Gandhara – notes

Gandhāran art(s):methodologies and preliminary results of a stylistic analysis
Jessie Pons

The return to Kapilavastu; relief from Marjanai. Peshawar, University Museum (MJN-1983-1-86).
Photo: after Drachenfels & Luczanits 2008: no. 150; P. Oszvald © KAH Bonn and
Peshawar University Museum// after J. Pons

Donor; statue from Butkaran I. Saidu Sharif, Swat Museum (B2598).
Photo: after Faccenna 1962: I.3, pl. CDXXX. Courtesy of ISMEO – Italian
Archaeological Mission in Pakistan // after J. Pons

[compare to Hatra]

Dancer; relief from Butkara I. Saidu Sharif, Swat Museum (B5938).
Photo: after Drachenfels & Luczanits 2008: no. 185; P. Oszvald © KAH Bonn and Swat Museum, Saidu Sharif // after J. Pons

The young Siddhārtha Gautama going to school, relief from Marjanai; Peshawar, University Museum (MJN-1983-1-87).
Photo: after Drachenfels & Luczanits 2008: no. 152; P. Oszvald © KAH Bonn and Peshawar University Museum // after J. Pons