Artist’s workshop, a painting from the sarcophagus. 1st C BCE; found Panticapaeum necropolis, Bosporan Kingdom.
The painter is warming a tool over a brazier, in the center there’s a box with pigments. On an easel – the work in progress already framed. On the wall 3 finished & framed portraits
The painting, plaster on limestone, is on display in the Hermitage
Description from the publication of Art Institute in Chicago https://publications.artic.edu/roman/reader/romanart/section/1965
“A remarkable painting survives on the interior of a first-century A.D. sarcophagus found at Kerch (ancient Panticapaeum) in Crimea. It shows a painter at work in a colonnaded space (his studio?), warming a tool over a brazier as he works on a painting resting on an easel (fig. 155–156.1). The box in the center with many compartments and cover flaps holds raw and ground pigments and other materials. On the wall hang three completed portraits, one in a simple square frame, the other two mounted as shield portraits, clipeatae imagines — a deliberate presentation of the subjects, whether living or deceased, as godlike.”
The Kerch Easel Painter
Bernard Goldman https://doi.org/10.2307/1482915
pictures of all sides of sarcophagus http://www.kornbluthphoto.com/HermitageSarc.html