“In 305 AD, coins and jewellery such as finger rings, earrings, and necklaces made of gold, jet, coral, and glass were buried in a wooden box in the Roman fort of Vemania/Isny. The fort burnt down during a Germanic attack in the same year and the Isny Hoard was not retrieved until archaeologists began their work in the late 1960s.”
The horizontal amulet case: “The length is 5,2 cm. It was coated with beeswax on the inside. Another, unspecified, organic substance was found inside as well as a rolled-up silver sheet strip. This was not inscribed and can unfortunately no longer be found.”
source: Nina Willburger @DrNWillburger
Museum record >> https://www.landesmuseum-stuttgart.de
Necklace: L. 40 cm, foxtail chain: L. 44 cm, capsule: L. 5.2 cm, earrings: H. 1.3 cm, W. 1.4 cm
J. Garbsch/P. Kos, Zwei Schatzfunde des frühen 4. Jahrhunderts: Das spätrömische Kastell Vernania bei Isny I (Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte) (1988)
The fort Vemania >> wiki
Jet necklace https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Halskette_Vemania_Isny_074.jpg?uselang=de