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Girl in a shell from Villa Albani Museum; 2nd C; discriminalia [d/b]

Shell from Trajan period with relief portraying cultured lady lying on bed writing, from Villa Albani Museum, Rome, dated to the 2nd century. Photo By DEA / A. DAGLI ORTI/De Agostini via Getty Images

UNSPECIFIED – CIRCA 1900: Roman civilization, 2nd century A.D. Shell from the Trajan period with relief portraying a cultured lady lying on a bed writing. From Villa Albani Museum, Rome. (Photo By DEA / A. DAGLI ORTI/De Agostini via Getty Images)

Der griechisch-römische Scheitelschmuck und die Funde von Thasos [article]
Victorine Von Gonzenbach

An Educated Lady of Leisure: A Funerary Relief in the Villa Albani
Michele George