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The Asyut Treasure, segmented necklace [d/b]

Altes Museum Berlin

The Asyut (Assiut) Treasure is the Byzantine hoard of 6th-7th century jewelry found near the city of Asyut, central Egypt. Parts of the treasure are in Berlin, London and New York.

This necklace is in the Altes Museum in Berlin. made of gold with pearls, sapphire and amethyst. Missing rectangular gemstones, emeralds most likely.

Eine kaiserliche Insignie? Der Juwelenkragen aus dem sog. Schatzfund von Assiût 
Yvonne Petrina

The maximum diameter of the Berliner collar, including the pendulums, is 31.9 cm horizontally and 22.2 cm vertically. In its current state, it weighs 317.3g

The arrangement of the elements is determined by a sequence of letters: Α, Β, Γ, Τ, Ε, S, Σ?, Η, Θ, Ι and Κ.

Each letter was engraved on the plate, in the center of the trapezoid or crescent-shaped elements, and then covered by a frame.

The decoration of the central trapezium is unique, while two of the other sections each have the same frame system and the same filling motifs. These links are arranged symmetrically, starting from the central trapezoid.

Der lunulaförmige Halsschmuck aus Assiût in der Berliner Antikensammlung: Eine Goldschmiedetechnische Analyse
Barbara Niemeyer

Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen, 1997, pp. 191-206

Pendulum wire: round at the loop, below the emerald setting

“Into the hands of a well-known antiquary of Cairo”: The Assiut Treasure and the Making of an Archaeological Hoard
Elizabeth Dospěl Williams
West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture
Vol. 21, No. 2 (Fall-Winter 2014), pp. 251-272 (22 pages)