Proto-Elamite silver figurine of kneeling bull; 3100–2900 BCE [d/b]DATA BASE, MESOPOTAMIA Kneeling bull holding a spouted vesselca. 3100–2900 BCE, Southwestern IranThe Met Share on Social Media x facebook pinterest reddit emailmastodon Related posts: Gold pin with Aphrodite(?), 2nd C BCE, Iran [d/b] Elamite silver vessel [d/b] Elamite silver vessel with female figures, 2200 BCE, Iran [d/b] Elamite [?] figurine of kneeling deity, Miho Museum [d/b] Hittite art, Tell Halaf, Syria Brooches, tomb of two princesses, Jubaji, Iran, 6th C BCE [d/b] Medallion, an ornament of a diadem, Ur, 2500 BCE [d/b] The Azerbaijan Museum in Tabriz, Iran Medallion from Ur [Iraq], Temple of Sin, 700-500 BCE [d/b] Germanic metalwork “Regina Vasorum”, 4th C BCE, Magna Graecia Medallion from Marlik, Iran, 1200-800 BCE [d/b] previousElamite [?] figurine of kneeling deity, Miho Museum [d/b]nextHarappa, jewelry; 2500 BCE [d/b]