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Silver hair pin in the shape of seated woman from Gonur Depe, Margiana (Bactria), 18th-15th C BCE [d/b]

Silver pin with an image of seated female figur was once a seal. Woman is wearing a typically ‘Bactrian’ kaunakes-type garment similar to those worn by the two female figures on the Elamite silver vessel from Iran 2200 BCE. [N. A. Dubova, Treasures; D. Potts]

“Silver head of the hair pin that were once a seal is one of the best examples of BMAK art. Thorough implementation of kaunakes dress, beautiful hairdress, a characteristic profile – everything speaks of the highest craftsmanship of Gonur jewelers.” [N. A. Dubova]
Gonur Depe, Margiana (Bactria), 18th-15th C BCE

Photo after Nadezhda A. Dubova, Treasures of Ancient Margiana.

Silver vessel with two females, 2200 BCE. Tehran, National
Museum (Hinz 1969, 15-16). To the right: detail of a silver
pin from Gonur Depe, 18th-15th C BCE (Sarianidi 2002, 231).
[Martina Morello]
Silver seated female pin from Gonur Depe
(after Sarianidi, Margiana and Protozoroastrism, Fig. 34). After Daniel Potts

  1. Human iconography on metal vessels from Bronze Age Middle Asia; Martina Morello
  2. Treasures of Ancient Margiana. Nadezhda A. Dubova
  3. Puzur-Inšušinak and the Oxus Civilization (BMAC): Reflections on Šimaški and the geo-political landscape of Iran and Central Asia in the Ur III period; Daniel Potts