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Gold medallion from Tell Bazi, Syria, 14th-13th C BCE [d/b]

Photo after B. Einwag, A. Otto, Antike Welt 1996

Ornament, medallion from Tell Bazi [Aleppo]. Diameter 23 mm

“From the western side room of House 19 comes a disc-shaped piece of jewelry made of gold. In the middle it carries a rimmed disc of light green inlay. Four gold wires are applied all around with ends rolled up in opposite directions, the centers of which were punched from the back. A flat silver bracket is attached to the back in the manner of a clasp. A very similar piece of jewelry with the same type of decoration of applied gold wires is found in a tomb from Alalah, which is dated to Layer II (1350-1273 BCE).” [B. Einwag, A. Otto, Tall Bazi – Vorbericht über die Untersuchungen 1994-1995]

After B. Einwag, A. Otto, Tall Bazi
After B. Einwag, A. Otto, Tall Bazi

  1. Adelheid Otto, Berthold Einwag, Tall Bazi im syrischen Euphrattal. Ausgrabungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Station Damaskus, in einer Stadt des 2. Jts. v. Chr.; Antike Welt 1996
  2. B. Einwag, A. Otto, Tall Bazi – Vorbericht über die Untersuchungen 1994-1995, DaM 9 (1996) 15-45