The Snite Museum of Art, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Funerary Bust of Roman Cavalryman
Roman, Palmyra, 2nd century CE
Max. pres. H. 0.48 m, Max. pres. W. 0.41 m, D. 0.210 m
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Alsdorf
SOURCE: Eclectic Antiquity, the Classical Collection of the Snite Museum of Art; Compiled and edited by Robin F. Rhodes; pp. 155-160

“Rectangular limestone funerary stele with relief bust of Roman cavalryman. Cavalryman depicted from waist up. Bearded with full head of wavy hair. Long-sleeved tunic with small round fibula and baldric. Nose broken off, some damage to lips. Arms bent at elbow, hands at waist in front of torso. Hilt of a sword held in left hand, unidentifiable object in right. Small relief figure above cavalryman’s right shoulder, possibly a groom, wears long tunic with folds; right arm bent at elbow and held across body. Head of groomsman severely damaged. Above left shoulder of cavalryman is relief of horse head and neck. Horse wears bridle and has short cropped mane.”