Jewelry from the Nogaichik barrow in the Treasure of the National Museum of History of Ukraine [link]
Excavated in 1974

Brooch, gold, garnets, green glass paste, 1st C BCE – 1st C CE, Sarmatian.

Pair of bracelets with figurines of Eros and Psyche, 1st C BCE – 1st C CE

For detailed description of bracelets see

© 2021 The Treasury of the National Museum of History of Ukraine
A golden hryvna inlaid with blue glass was made at the end of the 1st- beginning of the 2nd century. Diameter – 14 cm, height – 18 cm. The ends are decorated with soldered flat friezes in the form of three alternating griffins. The hryvnia is made rough, almost not polished. It gives the impression of a product made specifically for the funeral. []

Jewelry from the Nogaichik barrow and its comparanda. From: A. Symonenko Roman Import for the Sarmatians of North Pontic Region

Jewelry of Eastern Mediterranean provenance. Burial complexes of the 1st century BCE. From: V. Mordvintseva, Barbarians.
The Kuban: 1–4 – Peschanyj Barrow 1, burial 10.
The Crimea: 5–8 – Nogaychik Barrow.
[Drawings by V. Mordvintseva; photos by V. Mordvintseva & Y. Zaytsev; in Barbarians of the North Pontic Region]

- Andrea Namerova, Selected jewelry imports from the Sarmatian grave no. 18, Nogaichik barrow
- Aleksandr Symonenko, Glass and Faience Objects from Nogaichik Barrow
- Aleksandr Symonenko, Римский импорт у сарматов Северного Причерноморья [Roman Import for the Sarmatians of North Pontic Region], St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology – Nestor Historia, St.Petersburg, 2011, 271 p., 117 fig. ISBN 978-5-8465-1029-6
- Valentina Mordvintseva, Barbarians of the North Pontic Region and Their Contacts… In: Cojocaru, V. – Rubel, A. (ed.), Mobility in Research on the Black Sea Region. Cluj-Napoca 2016. (Pontica et Mediterranea VI). P. 381-432
- Valentina Mordvintseva, Non-Urban Societies of the Crimea and Their Response to Changes in the External World. Based on the Burials of Élites from the 3rd Century BC to the mid–3rd Century AD. 2020