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Terracotta scyphus from the Mithraeum at Hawarte [d/b]

Terracotta skyphos (drinking cup) with applied decoration featuring scrolling vine, from the Mithraeum at Hawarte, Syria.

“Skyphos found in 2003, completed with a fragment found now at the other end of the cave” [Gawlikowski M.]
“In chronological terms, the assemblage is quite homogenous, being dated to the second half of the 1st century AD. ” [Majcherek G.]

Photo from Gawlikowski, M. (2012)
Excavations in Hawarte 2008–2009
After: Claudina Romero Mayorga, Iconografía mitraica en Hispania

Majcherek, G. (2004) Hawarte. Excavation and restoration work in 2003

Photo A. Zając