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Scent bottle 6 – Olbia, Ukraine, 1st century BCE. Gold [d/b]

Gold with green stones at the chain’s ends.
South Russia, 1st century BCE according to the museum [The Walters].
L. total 11 cm; height 2.68 cm; dm. 2.8 cm; weight 33.09 g

“The lid of this small jar is held in place by a chain that passes through loops on the object’s body and lid. Green stones at the chain’s ends serve both as decoration and to keep the chain from slipping loose. The jar probably contained perfumes or cosmetics. The U-shaped curve at the top of the chain suggests that the container was hung from something, perhaps another piece of jewelry.” [The Walters]

The Walters Art Gallery, inv. no. 57.381
Olbia, 1st C BCE, 2.7×2.8 cm
Photo after M. Treister