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Medallion with sardonyx, 3rd century, Syria [d/b]

Credit: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung / Stefan Büchner

“Large sardonyx in gold capsule: brooch with four eyelets”
The central part of a body chain in my opinion.

2nd half of the 3rd century, from Tartus, Roman time Syria

Height: 5.3 cm (without eyelets) Width: 4 cm

Berlin State Museums, Collection of Antiquities, 1965.2

1. Medallion with sardonyx, 3rd century, Tartus/Tortosa (Syria) [read more]
2. Gold brooch, 1st-2nd century, Southern Russia [read more]
3. gold brooch with sardonyx, Aleppo, 3rd century CE [read more]