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Relief of Habibat, Palmyra, 2nd century [Louvre] [d/b]

© Louvre Museum, Dist. GrandPalaisRmn / Christian Larrieu Musée du Louvre, AO 1562

Funerary relief of a woman, Palmyra, 2nd century

Inscription: “Habibat, daughter of Maliku, alas”

“Funerary relief inscribed: woman (bust) dressed in a tunic and a coat attached on the left shoulder by a trapezoidal fibula, adorned with bracelets, necklaces and earrings, the forehead encircled by a headband surmounted by a diadem with a plant motif bordered with pearls, wearing a turban and a veil, touching her cheek in a sign of affliction and holding a spindle and a distaff”