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Jewelry from a burial at the necropolis of ancient Tomis, today Constanța, dated to the 2nd century. The Collections of the Museum for National History and Archaeology Constanţa, Romania.

Gold medallion with a bust of Aphrodite, a part of a hairnet most likely.

Ring with the face of a woman or goddess
Hellenistic period gold necklace
Gold triangular earring with amethyst and glass paste inlays, found in Adamclisi
Gold and garnet earrings found in Tomis
Gold earrings from Tomis
Golden crown, tomb of Mangalia woman
Mangalia gold and onyx ring, donated 1966
Golden cross with stone from Mangalia

Ancient jewelry discovered and housed by the Museum of National History and Archeology Constanta an article


  • Gold Jewelry in the Collections of the Museum for National History and Archaeology Constanţa [catalog]
    Bijuterii antice din aur din colecţiile Muzeului de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie Constanţa / Lungu Virgil, COVACEF Zahária, CHERA Constantin. – Constanţa: Ex Ponto, 2011 ISBN: 978-606-598-126-3
  • Late Ancient Adornments on the Territory of Romania – a Means of Religious Propaganda at the Beginning of Christianity, Ioana-Iulia Olaru 2014