Date of creation: 3rd C BCE (around 300 BC after Schauenburg; fruehellenistische (-300 – -200) after Himmelmann)Place of creation: Alexandria Troas an ancient Greek city situated on the Aegean Sea, in the northwest of Asia Minor
In the Louvre inv. no. Ma 2866
“PSYCHE (butterfly wings in the back, long-sleeved tunic, himation around the legs) is seated in profile to the left, in a basket with two curved lateral uprights serving as a saddle, on the back of a dromedary. She holds the reins in her left hand. and carries the hand dr. to his face. The DROMEDARY, walking, in profile to left, wears a bell necklace.”
Description source >> http://www.limc-france.fr/objet/10988

Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Hervé Lewandowski https://www.photo.rmn.fr/archive/00-013658-2C6NU0V9KR2U.html