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Amber necklace / belt, 7th C BCE, Italy (Magna Graecia) [d/b]

Chiaromonte, 7th C BCE, female belt (?)

Chiaromonte (PZ), Under the Cross. Tomb no. 156. Woven belt with spherical beads, plates, and pendants in the shape of aryballos, made of amber.

Identificazione degli Enotri; Salvatore Bianco, Addolorata Preite

©SBA-Basilicata photographic archive

Amber necklace from the same place, different tomb. Early 6th century BCE. Composite necklace, consisting of four necklaces with bulla pendants and an anthropomorphic pendant in the subdalic style of Greek influence.

Fig. 29 – Chiaromonte (PZ), Under the Cross. Tomb no. 96.