Small bust of woman wearing ornate band (sash) from group of six. From Asia Minor. Late 3rd century.
Cleveland Museum of Art, inv. 65.246
LSA database
The portrait bust shows the same woman as LSA-433 and LSA-434. Here she wears a sleeved chiton and a decorated band. The band passes vertically over the left breast and shoulder. It reappears under the right armpit and crosses the body diagonally. It disappears around the right upper arm. It has defined outer borders and an inner raised decoration of scrolling tendrils.
The same band appears on three other female portraits: a statue from Carnuntum LSA-1273, a bust from Egypt LSA-1664, and a fine bust now in Bucarest LSA-1706.
The hairstyle belongs most probably in the last quarter of the third century. Coins of Ulpia Severina (270-275) show her with a broad central plait which folds under itself. It existed in many variations which are difficult to date precisely and which probably range from 260-300″
Traumland Ägypten – Zur Rezeption ägyptischer Luxusmotive; Barbara Borg
In: Städel-Jahrbuch, 19 (2004), pp. 191-200
“In the bust of a woman in Cleveland, probably from the 280s, the contabulated parts of the cloak are provided with three-dimensional tendril ornaments (Fig. 9), while the contabulated cloak of a bust with an added head from Alexandria is painted with various ornamental designs.”
For bust from Alexandria see >>