Ornament, medallion from Tell Bazi [Aleppo]. Diameter 23 mm
“From the western side room of House 19 comes a disc-shaped piece of jewelry made of gold. In the middle it carries a rimmed disc of light green inlay. Four gold wires are applied all around with ends rolled up in opposite directions, the centers of which were punched from the back. A flat silver bracket is attached to the back in the manner of a clasp. A very similar piece of jewelry with the same type of decoration of applied gold wires is found in a tomb from Alalah, which is dated to Layer II (1350-1273 BCE).” [B. Einwag, A. Otto, Tall Bazi – Vorbericht über die Untersuchungen 1994-1995]

- Adelheid Otto, Berthold Einwag, Tall Bazi im syrischen Euphrattal. Ausgrabungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Station Damaskus, in einer Stadt des 2. Jts. v. Chr.; Antike Welt 1996
- B. Einwag, A. Otto, Tall Bazi – Vorbericht über die Untersuchungen 1994-1995, DaM 9 (1996) 15-45
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