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Rosette patterns on vessels

silver phiale from: 2 – Ulyapsky barrow 4 (GMINV 36, 38 МIV); 3 – Khalkidiki (RGM, Mainz); 4 – from a burial T 279 of a warrior, Archontiko near Pella
“2 – серебряная фиала из Уляпского кургана 4 (ГМИНВ 36, 38 МIV); 3 – фиала из Халкидики (RGM, г. Майнц)”


For the phiale from Archontiko, Pella >>

The Lady of Archontiko, Pavlos Chrysostomou

Silver gilded omphalos phiale bowl from Archontiko, Pella, grave of a warrior. Dated to about the mid-6th century BCE.
Decorated with nine spear-shaped leaves, between which are as many similar, smaller leaves, while among them are three-petal lotus buds. In the inside the boss (omphalos) and its surrounding area are gold-plated, as are the attached “hearts” of the leaves. Between the boss and the leaves are stamped geometric and plant motifs.

The outside of the bowl
Photo ©The Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Detail of the inside
Photo ©The Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism

The Archaeological Museum of Pella [a catalog], 2011
ISBN 978-960-9590-00-6

Silver gilt libation bowl of the “Lady of Aigai”, ca 500 BCE
[Photo after Angeliki Kottaridi, © The Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports]

The outside of a marble bowl (phiale) with relief plant and running wave decoration. Hellenistic period, from Pella, Macedonia, Greece.
Photo ©The Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism