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Jewelry from a rich Sarmatian burial, village Mikhailovka, Odessa region, Ukraine

The Sarmatian Burial Mound near v. Mikhailovka [Курган у с. Михайловка], 1st century, Odessa region, Ukraine.
Grave of a young woman, approximately 25 years old.

Sarmatian necklace with a butterfly-shaped pendant. Gold, onyx, sardonyx, glass. 1st century
Kurgan near the village Mikhailovka, Odessa Archaeological Museum, Ukraine

Сарматы. Ожерелье золотые с подвеской, в виде “бабочки”. Курган у с. Михайловка. I в. н.э. Золото, оникс, сардоникс, стекло. Одесский археологический музей. [photo Facebook]
Aleksandr Symonenko, Pre-Roman and Roman Imports in the Sarmatian Graves of Ukraine

  1. M. Treister, Late Hellenistic Polychrome Necklaces (to the origin of Necklaces with Butterfly-shaped Pendants
  2. M. Treister, Further Thoughts about the Necklaces with Butterfly-Shaped Pendants from North Pontic Area
  3. Дзиговский А.Н. [Dzygovskij A.N.] Очерки истории сарматов Карпато-Днепровских земель, Одесса: Гермес, 2003
  4. Aleksandr Symonenko, Pre-Roman and Roman Imports in the Sarmatian Graves of Ukraine. Typology and Chronology