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Celtic gold. Literature

Pierre-Yves Milcent, Barbara Armbruster, Maryse Blet-Lemarquand, Bernard Gratuze.

Les bijoux en or du tumulus princier du Ve s. av. J.-C. de Lazenay à Bourges (région Centre-Val de Loire). Early Iron Age Gold in Celtic Europe. Society, Technology and Archaeometry, Mar 2015, Toulouse, France. pp.255-269. ffhal-01886343

An Iron Age gold workshop in Southwest Iberia: reflections on Vaiamonte and other earrings.

Virgilio Hipolito-Correia

“This paper examines the goldwork finds from Vaiamonte (Monforte, Portugal) where there is evidence of the existence of a workshop working on a specific type of earring. Related finds are analysed, and the overall scene of earrings production in southwestern Iberia between the 5th and the 1st  centuries BC is discussed”

  • A ‘Gold connection’ between the Etruscans and early Celts? Christiane Eluere
  • Celtic gold torcs, Christiane Eluère
  • Keltisches Gold unter der Lupe – Golduntersuchungen im Saarbrücker Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschchte im Rahmen des Projektes CELTIC GOLD – Goldschmiedekunst in der westlichen Latènekultur, Barbara Armbruster