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Jewelry on sculptures – Ancient Greece

Grave stele from Pireus with a woman wearing loop earrings and receiving a bracelet with animal finials
mid 4th C BCE, pentelic marble; h. 58 cm, w. 45 cm, th. 16 cm
NAM Athens, NAM G 1140
Clairmont 1993, vol. II, 2319a
Source: The Golden Legend, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo / The Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai / Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya, 2015 – 2016, Tokyo 2015. Three entries, cat. nos 93, 123, 186; Despina Ignatiadou

Funerary stele of a young woman who is putting on her ornaments; from Ano Glyfada, 1st quarter of
the 4th cent. BCE. Archaeological Museum of Piraeus, GEORGE STEINHAUER, catalog Athens 2001, nr 428.

An Attic funerary stele for a young woman holding a necklace (painted, now faded away). Next to her, her child slave. Second quarter of 4th century BC. Now exhibited in the Room of the Attic funerary stelai, at the first floor of the Archaeological Museum of Piraeus (Athens). Picture by Giovanni Dall’Orto, November 14 2009.,_Athens_-_Woman_and_her_slave_-_Photo_by_Giovanni_Dall%27Orto,_Nov_14_2009.jpg