The Met
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Germanic metalwork
“Regina Vasorum”, 4th C BCE, Magna Graecia
Palmyra, funerary relief of a scribe from Jarhai’s tomb, 150-200 CE; Istanbul Mus. [d/b]
Palmyra, funerary relief of Aha; 2nd C [Beirut] [d/b]
Palmyra, funerary relief of a woman with a child, the Tomb of Shalamallat, 2nd-3rd C [Palmyra Museum] [d/b]
Male figure wearing a coat with sleeves, Cyprus 4th century BCE
Kelermes diadem, 8th-7th C BCE, Melgunov (Litoi) mound. Scythian burial and Syrian [Assyrian] jewelry [d/b]
Belt plate with a “pearl” motif. Grave II, Krakovany-Stráže, Roman time Slovakia
Wooden statues of Serapis. Ptolemaic Egypt [d/b]
Bust of a woman wearing sash, 3rd-4th C, from Balkans (?) [d/b]
Stele of “cucullus” seller, 2nd-3rd C [d/b]
Medallion with Spring wearing a torque, Tunisia 120-130 CE [d/b]