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Relief of Amataḥâ with a child, 3rd C Palmyra [Strasbourg Museum] [d/b]

Ph. © Palmyra Portrait Project, Ingholt Archive at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, PS 480

Funerary relief of a woman with a child.

‘Alas | Amataḥâ | daughter of Zebîdâ | the Greek’ (PAT 0907). Dated to 200-235 (EC) (200-273, RR)
Strasbourg Museum (formerly Schlumberger Collection)

Daughters and wives: Defining women in Palmyrene inscriptions, in S. Krag and R. Raja (eds.), Women, children and the family in Palmyra, 2019 Eleonora CUSSINI
Representations of Women and Children in Palmyrene Funerary Loculus Reliefs, Loculus Stelae and Wall Paintings; 2016 Rubina Raja

Woman has a full set of jewelry including a bracelet with a little bell, and a headdress with a lunula-shaped ornament. She wears a tunic dalmatic trimmed with fur.
For bells in Palmyra see Dorothy Mackay “Jewellery from Palmyra and its significance”, in: Iraq Vol. 11, No. 2 (Autumn, 1949), pp. 160-187 (40 pages)Published By: British Institute for the Study of Iraq