Funerary relief of Verugia from Pannonia, dated to the 1st–2nd century.
Pair of wing fibula-brooches, first half of the 2nd century, Pannonia. 15.4 cm, silver, partly gilded, decorated with carnelian.
- Commemorating Military and Civilian Families on the Danube Limes; Maureen Carroll
ResearchGate >> - Roman fibulae as part of women’s costume: examination of tombstones from Komárom-Esztergom County; Csilla Sáró academia.edu >>
- FUNERARY STELA OF VERIUGA Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
- Pair of the wing fibula-brooches Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest see also: wing brooch from Aquincum MFA Budapest and MFA Budapest
- Wing brooch in The Met https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/469961
Dress in the middle Danube provinces: the garments, their origins and their distribution; Ursula Rothe

“Portrait on a gravestone from Celje (LUPA 3616)
showing a woman wearing an overtunic held at
the shoulders using large wing brooches, a semicircular cloak and bonnet H 1.1.1. Her husband wears a tunica and toga. The dress of their children is unclear.” [Ursula Rothe]
Pokrajinski Muzej Celje, Slovenia, Inv. 80

“Fragment of a stele from Budapest (LUPA 2853) showing a man wearing a hooded cape and holding a hammer. His wife wears native dress consisting of a bodice, overtunic held at the shoulders using large wing
brooches, a twisted torques, a single-layered, large bonnet of type H 3 and a rectangular cloak pulled up over the head.” [Ursula Rothe]
Aquincumi Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary, Inv. 64.10.15