Emperor Magnentius (303-353) wears a fibula / brooch with a cross motif.
color photo Stuart Paterson https://flickr.com
B&W photo from the paper Between Expressionism and Classicism: Stylistic Choices as Means of Legitimisation in Late Fourth-Century Imperial Portraits. In: Emperors and Emperorship in Late Antiquity
Fabio Guidetti; Chapter 6 Pages: 139–176 >> https://brill.com
Fig. 6.10 Portrait of a Valentinian emperor. Marble. AD 364–378, Gallic (?) workshop. From Vienne. Vienne, Musée archéologique Saint-Pierre, i.no. R 2001-5-151 (courtesy of the Musées de Vienne, Isère, France). p. 152
Vienne, Musée archéologique de Saint-Pierre, Inv no. R 2001-5-151 http://laststatues
