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So-called Isis Noreia statue
Landesmuseum Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Inv. 4926. 4927. 7965. 8530. 7912
Found: excavated in the so-called bath area of Virunum, Zollfeld, Austria

“statue showing a female deity dressed in the fringed ›Isis blanket‹ draped as overtunic O 2 [???] held at the shoulders using large Aucissa (?) brooches, pectoral jewellery, a belt with three straps and a semi-circular cloak.”
“Detail of the statue of Isis Noreia (LUPA 5871) showing the fringed edges hanging down under the right arm.”

Dress in the middle Danube provinces: the garments, their origins and their distribution; Ursula Rothe

“Stylistically, the statue is close to the praxitelian Artemis of the Dresden type, but externally it was given additional elements of the Noric women’s costume – fringed trimmings on the peplos, wide hanging belt band and rich typical chest decoration with shoulder brooches – a clear transformation in favor of the Norican goddess, while the cornucopia and the rudder, which was formerly held in the right hand, are mainly to be regarded as attributes of Isis. This sculpture can also be attributed to the workshop of the “Master of Virunum”, whose name has not been handed down to us, and was created around the middle of the 2nd century AD.”