“Bronze statue of a female worshipper in the act of burning a pinch of frankincense. The woman wears necklaces and a round pendant with rays, probably an amulet (National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ, inv. no. YM 289)
The South Arabian woman, Antonini & Robin
The animal-head terminals of the bracelets, necklaces and earrings were first developed in Achaemenid art and became popular in Greece during the 5th century BCE.
To compare
- Gioielli sudarabici da Kharibat Hamdān/ Haram (Jawf, Yemen): osservazioni preliminari, Sabina Antonini de Maigret, Fabio Betti, Leila ‘Alī ‘Aqīl https://doi.org/10.1484/J.SEC.5.112737