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Fayum portraits – the necklace-like head ornaments. Overview

necklace with pendants

With a central medallion

From an exhibition at the Israel Museum, 2017

Torlonia maiden type

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117-161 CE [source]
Athens, collection Mavroïdis

© National Museums Scotland

Portrait of a woman from Hawara, 110 – 130 CE.
NMS Inv. no. A.1951.160

Photo [source]

Young woman’s sarcophagus with her portrait, 2nd century.
Egyptian Museum – Cairo
More about the sarcophagus >>

Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie Ring-_-The-Metropolitan-Museum-of-Art.jpg
© Museo Nazionale Romano

2nd century (before 150-180) gold ring with sapphires and garnet. 1.7 × 1.6 cm
From a burial of a young woman at the Vallerano necropolis, Tomb 2.
Museo Nazionale Romano, Il Medagliere, Rome