- M. Treister, Cloisonné-and champlevé-decoration in the Gold work of the Late Hellenistic-Early Imperial Periods [academia.edu]
- Jewels with Stone Inlays from Hatra, Enrico Foietta https://iris.unito.it [garnet]
- Р. С. Минасян, Е. А. Шаблавина. О роли технической терминологии в археологической литературе.
- Golden Hun Treasures and Blessed Meanings, ed. Irina P. Zasetskaya, Gözde Sazak https://iupress.istanbul.edu.tr [garnet]
- Cloisonné jewellery from the Langobardic Pannonia: Technological evidence of workshop practice, Eszter Horváth https://www.researchgate.net/publication [garnet]
“The appearance of the cloisonne´ technique goes back in the early 2nd millennium BC, when it was first developed probably in Egypt and from where it was transferred in the Mycenean period to Cyprus (…) In the second half of the 2nd – first half of the 1st millennium BC the technique of cloisonne´ decoration was developed in the Near East, including Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine” [M. Tresiter]
“The Bosphorus Kingdom was the center of cloisonné craftsmanship. Some objects dating from the late antiquity (fourth century to the beginning of the fifth century) were found on Gospitalnaya Street in Kerch: bracelets, belt buckles and ends, dagger and sword parts, horse harness parts, superimposed with animal figures and with stones and garnet in the nests (Picture above).”
Golden Hun Treasures and Blessed Meanings, ed. Irina P. Zasetskaya, Gözde Sazak

“Bracelet – Kerch, the Crimea – Late 4th-early 5th century AD – Gold, garnet, rock crystal – Diam. 6 cm, wt 129.28 g – This bracelet is an example of the cloisonné technique, widely used during this period. It consists of a gold hoop, linked by means of hinges to a round medallion. The medallion and the ends of the hoop are decorated with garnet and rock crystal inlays.” [from the Hermitage website, a page does not exist anymore].
See also >> http://pantikapei.ru/drevnee-zoloto-kerchi.html

A panther, gold ornament, 7th century BCE, Hermitage

Source: Р. С. Минасян, Е. А. Шаблавина. О роли технической терминологии в археологической литературе.