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Steppe peoples – sources


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Коштовні металеві аплікації костюма населення Степової Скіфії VII—III ст. до н. е.; Ліфантій, Оксана
Oksana Lifantii, Precious metal applications of the costume of the steppe Scythian population VII-III centuries BCE
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Sarmatian burials near Berdiya station on Ilovla

A silver bowl with a handle in the form of a winged griffin from Mound J. The rim diameter is 12.5 cm.
Gold earrings with amber-colored glass eyelids from mound 8.

The burial of the Sarmatian nobility from the Volgograd Don region

Golden buckle with blue paste inserts, length 4.8 cm 
There are more than a dozen known. 
In the vast majority of accompanying things, they date back to the first half. 
2nd century  
(Demidenko, 1997, pp. 131, 132).
Cast silver bowl with gilding, fragment. Most likely, it can be dated to the 1st c.  
(Zasetskaya, Marchenko, 1995, p. 101)

Silver bowls with an internal engraved and gilded ornament, were quite widespread in the territory of Syria and Parthia in the 2nd-1st centuries BCE. Their origin is connected with the traditions of Eastern toreutics, as evidenced by the Aramaic inscriptions on them and the Achaemenid elements in their ornamental design

Cast silver vessel with a hare-shaped handle, height 10.7 cm. Five stamped gold buttons with hemispherical protrusions in the center of the caps.