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Japanese Archaeological Mission in Palmyra. Tomb F, H

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Tomb of brothers BWLH [Bolha] and BWRP was built in 128 CE by one of brothers, the leader of a clan [the inscription, upper right of the embossed satyr head above the entrance]. A part of the tomb was sold around 220 CE.

Full view of Tomb F under excavation (from northeast) (Courtesy of Kiyohide Saito)
Restored Tomb F
(Courtesy of Kiyohide Saito)
Tomb F main room coffin shelf excavation scenery
(courtesy of Kiyohide Saito)


Tomb H is a underground tomb in the southeastern cemetery of Palmyra discovered in 2002. The excavation revealed the sentence stating that the tomb was built by Tay Ball (Tyball) [TYBL] in 113 CE. Since then it has been expanded several times. 
The sarcophagus with a statue depicting a family feast and a casket shelf with a funeral bust were kept in their original position without being destroyed.

Built with the entrance facing east, it consists of a staircase, a front yard, a gate, a main room that is a grave room, and a north-south cubiculum. The total length of this tomb was 27 m from the stairs to the coffin shelf in the main room. At least 132 peoples (34 males, 33 females, 9 young people, 39 children, 14 infants, and gender unknown) were buried in 83 burial facilities at Tomb H.

Tomb H North Side Niche (Courtesy of Kiyohide Nishito)
North Niche NEX and North Coffin Shelf NL
Full view of Tomb H
Main room (viewing the back from the entrance)
South side of a room
Tomb H Plane / elevation
Main room (viewing the entrance from the back)
South coffin shelf SL


