Iberian high-relief showing an auletris (woman playing an aulos). It’s part of the so-called Sculptures of Osuna.
Limestone; 225-175 BCE https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Relieve_de_Osuna_(M.A.N._Madrid)_02.jpg
Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional (MAN) inve. no. 38415. Osuna is a town in Seville, in southern Spain
“The woman represented in one of the reliefs of the Iberian monument of Osuna plays a double wind instrument, known as aulos or diaulos . Its use in Iberian culture probably came through contact with the Greek and Phoenician-Punic world, although the instrument was adapted to local cultural practices. Its sound was optimal for use in ceremonial public contexts. It was the favorite of the Iberian women, in front of the trumpet or horn, played by men.” http://www.man.es/man/fr/actividades/pieza-mes/historico/2019/auletrix.html
