Sculpture from the Brestovik Tomb [near Belgrade] dated to the end of the 3rd century – beginning of the 4th century CE, a male figure with the belt and fibula. “The head is missing. The remaining part of the sculpture of the total height of 1.42 m”

After Gordana Milosevic, Funerary Sculpture
“According to M. Valtrović the figure was dressed in short chiton and long chlamys falling down his back to the ankles. he chiton is gathered and girded with broad belt consisting of square and narrow rectangular panels. The chlamys ending in a tassel is fastened with a fibula and partially covers the let arm. In the right arm extended along the body is some cylindrical object (scroll ?). The person was shod in closed footwear tightened with narrow shoelace and with buckle under the ankle. The sculpture was made of a single piece of white marble.” [Gordana Milosevic, Funerary Sculpture]

after Tomović 1996, p. 425″
After Gordana Milosevic, Funerary Sculpture
- Funerary Sculpture from the Brestovik tomb; Gordana Milosevic
- “The Family Mausoleums” on Danube limes between Singidunum and Pontes; Gordana Milosevic
- Породични маузолеј у селу Брестовик код Београда / Family mausoleum in the village of Brestovik near Belgrade, Gordana Milosevic
- Architectural Space in the Wall Painting of the Roman Tomb in Brestovik
- Tomb in color