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Nemesis – notes

  1. Nemesis’ Cult and the Arena Spectacles: Evidence from the Black Sea Region, December 2016OI:10.2307/j.ctvxrq0t5.18
    In book: The Black Sea in the Light of New Archaeological Data and Theoretical Approaches (pp.181-204)
  2. The Gods of Roman Dacia. Illustrated dictionary of Roman divinities and personifications; Csaba Szabó, Imola Boda

Statuette of Nemesis with portrait resembling the Empress Faustina I; Roman statue, ~150 CE, The Getty.
Nemesis, “giving away what is due”, was a Greek goddess of revenge, justice & destiny.
Her attributes are: the wheel (of fortune), animal dedicated to her is a griffin.
Photo by Rama

2nd-3rd century relief from Palmyra, Syria, with goddesses Allat-Athena and Nemesis, and a donor [dedicator].

‘It / nmys b’ / rb’l ;
(1) ‘Allat
(2) Nemesis
(3)’ Abba ‘
(4) (son of) Rab’el”

Lyon MBA

Dedication to Nemesis by C. Herennius Charito, 2nd century, from Constanta. Constanta Archaeology & History Museum
source @DigitalMapsAW

Leaden curse invoking the aid of the goddess Nemesis against the thief of a cloak and boots.

The Caerleon Curse

‘Lady Nemesis, I give thee a cloak and a pair of boots; let him who took them not redeem them (unless) with his own blood.’

Golden votive plaque or an altar idol; Roman 2nd – 3rd century. Goddess Selene in the middle, Sol on her right, and Nemesis on her left side.
From Gold kammer Frankfurt © SH