Roundels in the Taxila Museum, Pakistan |
Two medallions from the Taxila Museum were purchased 1997/98. They have a diameter 7 cm, and they seems to be made of one mold. Dated 1st century BCE – 1st century CE.

Owner unknown

Ashmolean Museum

“This roundel depicts the goddess Hariti, protectress of children, holding a child on her lap.”
diam. 8.1 cm
height 1 cm
date? 3rd-4th C ?
Metropolitan Museum

“The goddess Hariti is shown nursing a child and sitting on a throne flanked by lotuses and surmounted by auspicious geese (hamsa), the Buddha’s messengers.”
diam. 8.9 cm
Ashmolean Museum

“In this roundel, the lady arranging her hair in a mirror may be the goddess Aphrodite, attended by an eros.”
diam. 8.8 cm
height 0.6 cm
British Museum

“Roundel with a beaded edge. Goddess seated on a throne flanked by birds; before her a devotee holding a cup.”
Found in Rawalpindi
dated to the 2nd C BCE
diameter 7.5 cm
- Silver Repousee Roundels Discovered in Taxila Valley Pakistan. Comparative Study of Contemporary Repousee Roundels in British Museum London, Ashmolean Museum Oxford and Metropolitan Museum New York
by Abdul Ghafoor Lone & Arshad Ullah Khan - Francfort, H.-P., “Sur quelques vestiges et indices nouveaux de l’hellénisme dans les arts entre la Bactriane et le Gandhāra (130 av. J.-C.-100 apr. J.-C. environ)”, Journal des Savants, (janvier-juin), p. 3-114.