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Goddesses with animals – overview

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Goddess riding

Cameo with Dea Syria riding a lion, Pannonia, Roman time Hungary
Goddess Dea Syria on a small Roman cameo. Found in the Roman Intercisa, Pannonia Provincia (now the city of Dunaújváros, Hungary). There are four loops on the back side, this could have been an ornament sewn onto a garment, or part of a bigger jewel, i. e. body chain, necklace. Museum record
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In the Louvre collection three are three golden medallions depicting Aphrodite riding the lion, and her son Eros. All three were made in Syria, 3rd century BCE.

Similar medallion from 3rd century Syria there is in the collection of BNF Paris. Made of gold is decorated with garnets and green glass paste, its diameter is almost 4 cm.

Photo ©BNF inv.56.143
Photo by Sailko [wiki]

CYBELE riding a lion

Cybele, Rome 191-192 CE
In the British Museum >>
Cybele, Hadrianopolis, 198-209 CE
Plate with a woman (Cybele ?) riding a lion. Greece, 5th century BCE.
©MFA Boston
Cybele riding a lion
Greek terracotta figurine, ca 400 BCE
©MFA Boston

“Mothers of the Gods: A Case for Syncretism in the Cybele and Isis Cults at Pompeii”
R. Caudill
Published 18 May 2015

Red-painted grey terracotta lamp from Rome. Cologne, RGM, inv. No Wo 2063. 2nd century CE
Yellow terracotta lamp. Paris, Louvre, Inv. No Camp. 4405


Dea Caelestis (Tanit, a Punic goddess), Rome 193-211 CE

ATARGATIS riding a lion

Atargatis / Caracalla, 212-217 CE
Two Syrian deities, Kevin Butcher
Atargatis, Syria, Hierapolis, 244-249 CE

Aphrodite Epitragia riding a goat

Goddess Aphrodite Pandemos (Earthly) on a goat, personifying fertility; replica from a marble relief of the 1st century AD, St. Petersburg Museum
© 2014 Musée du Louvre / Antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines
Musée du Louvre, Br 3466 –
Goddess Demeter riding a panther. Terracotta figurine from Thebes, 375-325 BCE

Relief of Isis-Sothis – Isis riding a dog, Roman, 2nd–3rd C, from Savaria

Goddess seating on the throne


Sardis Cybele, 4th C. BC, Late Lydian (Persian)

Cybele relief from Sardis, 4th century BCE

“Cybele, whose head reaches over the frame, has no polos. She wears a chiton and a cloak draped over her lower body and legs, of which a fold falls over the throne on her r. side. In her l. hand she holds a big tympanum and in her r. hand a small round bowl. She is seated on a square throne. A small lion lies in her lap, the head to her r. A lion sejant in profile sits at her feet on her r.

The work is interesting in that it combines the earlier type of a seated Cybele holding a lion in her lap, which begins in late archaic times, with a type of the Mother of Gods in Phidian style, created by Agorakritos (?) and distinguished by Cybele’s holding the tympanum and having two (rather than one) lions sitting at her sides.”

Cybele from Alexandria, late Hellenistic – early Roman period
Photo ©Eva B. Mannheimer

Eva B. Mannheimer, The Mother of Gods in Alexandria; 2017

“The relief sculpture of a mature goddess, enthroned in her naiskos, which has recently been acquired by the University of Alexandria, Egypt and exhibited in the Faculty of Arts Educational Museum, represents one of the most influential and widespread votive depictions of the Greek Meter, Mother of the Gods, Kybele, and Rome’s Magna Mater, Cybele, originally the Phrygians MatarMatar Kubile, Mother and Mountain Mother.
The Mother is seated on a low throne in a naiskos, between two lions. Both the goddess and the lions, seated on their hind legs, are shown strictly frontal, in a hieratic position. The goddess holds a large tympanon in her left hand, vertically and from under, and a flat libation bowl, slightly damaged but probably a phiale, in her outstretched right hand. She wears a medium high polos, a chiton, (damaged on the upper part of the body but probably) pinned on both shoulders, and a himation or mantle, attached to her polos and extending from under her right arm, and draped across her lap, falling down in a tip on her left side. She sits with her legs somewhat apart with her feet (probably?) on a footstool. […]
This Kybele-naiskos, made in white limestone, is most probably a votive from the late Hellenistic or early Roman era. It is modelled after the marble votive reliefs of the Greek Meter which were produced ‘en masse’ in the Greek centers of her cult, Athens and Pireus, during the 5th and 4th centuries BC, and reproduced and distributed, as a sign of the goddess’s growing popularity in the Hellenistic and later in the Roman world – the center of the cult by then once again western/central Anatolia, now Roman Asia.”

Atargatis and Hadad

Two Syrian deities, Kevin Butcher

Detail of the reverse of silver tetradrachm of Caracalla, sole reign, AD 212-217. Eagle, with wings spread, lion walking right between eagle’s legs; above, image of the Syrian Gods: Hadad (on left), seated on throne, facing, between two bulls, wearing tall head dress, sceptre in left hand and uncertain object in right; Atargatis (on right), seated on throne, facing, between two lions, holding sceptre in left hand and distaff in right; between them, an ensign topped by a triangular pediment-like structure with long pennants hanging from it, at the summit of which is a bird.
Private collection, Paris.
Relief from Dura-Europos
bronze coin of Hierapolis, from the reign of Severus Alexander
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Münzkabinett.
bronze coin of Hierapolis, from the reign of Severus Alexander
Private collection, UK.
© 2011 Louvre Museum / Thierry Ollivier
Musée du Louvre, AO 21101 –

Medallion with Venus / Aphrodite
Place of discovery: Baalbeck
Bronze, diam. 5.4 cm
A mold / matrix? [compare with Harvard]

“Decor: Venus (veil, kalathos, chiton, mantle, belt, holding, ear of wheat, seated, on); throne (sphinx); stool ; rose window; foliage; acanthus leaf
Details of the object: Medallion with a smooth reverse and a face adorned with a figure representing the Heliopolitan Venus seated on a seat with a backrest, her feet on a stool. She is dressed in a chiton tightened by a belt and a coat. She is wearing a veil surmounted by a kalathos. With her right hand, she makes a gesture of blessing, with the other, she holds a bouquet of ears (?). In the field, two rosettes and a double foliage starting from an acanthus chalice console”

Together with
Artemis on the throne, relief with Demeter and Nike
Roman, 200-225 CE In Louvre >>
Musée du Louvre, MND 701
2,200-year-old marble stele of Cybele unearthed in the ancient city of Ephesus [40 cm long] (DHA Photo)