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Medallion / brooch from Aquincum, 2nd-3rd C [d/b]

Bronze and enamel, from Aquincum, 2nd-3rd century, diam. 7.2 cm, from Sarmatian burial

“The large, 10 dkg clothes pin is the product of a Roman workshop, which reached Sarmatia Barbaricum through trade. On the base of the circular fibula, the concentric fields for the enamel were formed during casting. This was filled with enamel made of glass and colored with metal oxide. In the Roman era, blue, white and red were most often used. The two extreme fields of our disc fibula are called decorated with the millefiori technique, the patterns were produced by placing small colored glass wires next to each other. Based on parallels, AD 2-3. can be dated to the beginning of the century.”