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Hellenistic earrings, Magna Graecia, 2nd-1st C BCE [d/b]

Gold earrings unearthed in ruins of Siris-Herakleia, Italy; 2nd-1st century BCE.
Policoro, Museo Nazionale della Siritide

“Siris, an important Greek colony, was founded in the seventh century. BC, subsequently destroyed and on these old ruins the Taranto colony of Herakleia was built. Along the entire perimeter of the acropolis of Siris, adobe walls have been discovered and from that period there is evidence of an intense religious life in the polis. With the foundation of Herakleia various sacred buildings arose, where cults and ceremonies dedicated to the goddess of fertility, Demeter, were held, so much so that numerous votive deposits have been found in the area.”

Info and photo source:
Il museo archeologico nazionale di Policoro